In 1984, the Universal House of Justice wrote to the youth of the world: “undoubtedly, it is within your power to contribute significantly to shaping the societies of the coming century; you can move the world.” (Message of the Universal House of Justice dated 3 January 1984)
Offering a period of service fulfils our twofold moral purpose: To build an individual’s capacity for service to their community, and to contribute to the advancement of activities and community life. These are a means to effect the transformation in the life of society, and to bring about a new race of men. Offering a period of service is also a unique opportunity. The year you dedicate to service will help you progress in many ways, especially spiritually and at the same time enrich community life. You will increase your love and knowledge of the Faith, you will meet new friends who, like yourself, yearn to work for the transformation of society. You develop new skills and capacities, explore the idea of a two-fold moral purpose, understand better the requirements of the present age and the provisions of the Plans, and together with others, learn to put beautiful ideals into practice in a way that enriches society.
The Year of Service Program is under the responsibility of Training Institute Netherlands in collaboration with the Auxiliary Board and a couple of Local Spiritual Assemblies. Training Institute Netherlands has been learning over several years about how the program can be best offered. The program for the youth year of service starts with an orientation period followed by service in a cluster, where you will be accompanied in expansion and consolidation activities. You will be allocated to a specific neighborhood to support and strengthen the community building activities. Moreover, the youth dedicating a period of service come together on a weekly basis to plan, reflect, study, and act.
One thing is certain: A Year of Service has an impact on you at individual and collective level! You can access the registration form here.
Inschrijfformulier voor een periode van dienstbaarheid kan je hier downloaden.